
This page outlines the basics of customizing Pegasus to meet your application’s needs.

Personalize your landing page#

Pegasus ships with a stub landing page, however most projects will want to highly customize their landing page. Unless you are planning on building a marketing site on a different platform, this is likely one of the first things you’ll do.

To modify the default landing page, simply edit the ./templates/web/landing_page.html file and make any customizations you like.

If you want to start from Pegasus’s example landing page, then just copy the contents of ./templates/pegasus/examples/example_landing_page.html into the landing page file.

Note that Pegasus’s own landing page is only available in the Bulma CSS version. For Bootstrap builds we recommend starting from a landing page option or themes from the web, for example here or here.

Update the logged-in experience#

After you’ve tweaked your landing page, you’ll likely want to dive into the nuts and bolts that make up your app.

To modify the logged-in default page, edit the ./templates/web/app_home.html file to your liking.

Changing the navigation#

There are two levels of navigation that ship with Pegasus, the top nav and the sidebar nav. You’ll likely want to modify both.

To change the top nav edit the ./templates/web/components/top_nav.html file.

To change the sidebar nav edit the ./templates/web/components/app_nav.html file.


Customizing styles requires setting up the front-end build pipeline.

Both Bootstrap and Bulma are designed to be customized to your needs.

To change styles, edit the generated site-<framework>.scss file in assets/styles with any custom styles you want and run this command to rebuild them:

npm run build  # or "dev" or "dev-watch"

As a simple, impactful change to get started, you can set the following variable to change the primary color/theme across the site:

$primary: #2e7636;  // change primary color to green

Just make sure to put this change at the top of your file before the @import statements! More details on customizing themes can be found in the CSS docs.


The project uses a webpack build pipeline to compile the javascript files.

For more details on how it works see the front-end documentation.