Tailwind CSS#

As of version 2022.8 Pegasus officially supports Tailwind CSS (Version 3).


Here’s a quick overview of what it looks like:


Because TailwindCSS only includes the styles found in your HTML / JavaScript files, you will need to actively rebuild your CSS files any time you add new styles/components to your templates. The easiest way to do this is by running (after installing Node packages):

npm run dev-watch

Or in Docker:

make npm-watch

See the front-end docs for more information about working with these files.


Pegasus uses daisyUI to provide default, well-styled components with convenient CSS classes. Components from daisyUI can be brought in as needed by your app. A full list of available components can be found at the daisyUI component library.

Changing your theme#

DaisyUI offers a number of out-of-the-box themes you can use in your Pegasus app. To change themes, first make sure the theme is enabled in your tailwind.config.js with a daisyui section like this:

module.exports = {
  daisyui: {
    themes: ["light", "dark", "cupcake"],

(The defaults are “light” and “dark”.)

After adding your theme, rebuild your front end, and then add a data-theme attribute to your <html> declaration in templates/web/base.html.

<html data-theme="cupcake"></html>

For a list of the available themes, and information about creating your on theme, see the daisyUI theme documentation and their online theme generator.

Extending themes#

If you’d like to extend one of the built-in themes you can do that in your tailwind.config.js file.

For example, add a section like this to set custom primary and secondary colors for light and dark mode.

daisyui: {
  themes: [
      light: {
        primary: "#0c2340",
        secondary: "#bd3039"
      dark: {
        primary: "#bd3039",
        secondary: "#0c2340"

Other products / themes#


Flowbite is a library with many great UI components—most of which are free and open source.

Flowbite can easily be added to a Pegasus project by installing it via npm and adding it to your global site.js and tailwind.config.js files.

You can use this git patch file as a starting point and apply it to your project by running:

git apply flowbite.patch

This demonstrates basic installation and enabling the datepicker plugin.

After applying the patch you will need to run npm install and npm run dev-watch to enable it on all pages.

If you build with the Pegasus examples, you should be able to see the datepicker at http://localhost:8000/pegasus/forms/.

Tailwind UI#

Tailwind UI is a great product for building more complex pages, including marketing sites and app UIs. It another great option for getting help with UI components and pages, and should integrate seamlessly with the current Pegasus templates.

Note that you will have to rebuild styles when adding TailwindUI components, as described in the “Development” section above.


Styles aren’t working after adding new components#

Every time you use a new Tailwind class you need to rebuild your front end as described in the “Development” section above.

After doing that, if they are still not showing up, be sure that you have hard-refreshed your browser (Ctrl-Shift-R) on most browers. You can also disable browser caching when devtools are open by following these instructions for Chrome or for Firefox.

If you are building your front end in Docker, be sure to also read the troubleshooting section of the front end documentation for potential issues with cross-platform compatibility.