Pegasus’s Code Structure#

Overall structure#

This is the overall structure of a new Pegasus project:

├── {{project_name}}
├── apps
│   ├── subscriptions
│   ├── teams
│   ├── users
│   ├── utils
│   └── web
├── pegasus
│   ├── apps
├── assets
│   ├── javascript
│   └── styles
├── requirements
└── static
    ├── css
    ├── images
    └── js
├── templates

The first three directories are Python modules while the remaining ones are not.

Your {{project_name}} module#

This is your Django project root directory. It’s where your settings, root urlconf and file will live.

Your apps module#

This is where your project’s apps will live. It is pre-populated with Pegasus’s default apps for you to further customize to your needs.

The module starts with several apps, depending on your configuration. Here are some of the main ones:

  • content is where the Wagtail CMS models are configured.

  • subscriptions is for functionality related to Stripe subscriptions.

  • users is where your user models and views are defined.

  • teams is where team models and views are defined.

  • utils is a set of functionality shared across the project.

  • web contains utilities and components related to the generic views, layouts and templates.

The pegasus module#

This is where the Pegasus examples live.

In general, it is not expected that you’ll need to modify much in this module, though feel free to do so!

The requirements folder#

This is where you define your project’s Python requirements.

Requirements are managed using pip-tools. For more information on using it see their documentation.

The assets folder#

This is where the source files for your site’s JavaScript and CSS live. These files are what you should edit to change your JS and CSS.

See front-end for more information on how to compile these files.

The static folder#

This folder contains your project’s static files, including the compiled output files from the assets folder as well as images.

The templates folder#

This folder contains your project’s Django templates. There is one sub-folder for each application that has templates. The majority of the project’s base template layouts are in the templates/web folder.

Code formatting#

For projects that have enabled the Autoformat code option, the code will have been formatted using ruff—a drop-in replacement for black and isort that runs much faster than those tools.

The project will also include pre-commit as a dependency in the requirements file as well as the .pre-commit-config.yaml file in the root directory. pre-commit is a tool for managing pre-commit hooks - which can be used to ensure your code matches the correct format when it’s committed.

After installing the project dependencies you can install the pre-commit hooks:

$ pre-commit install --install-hooks
pre-commit installed at .git/hooks/pre-commit

The default configuration that ships with Pegasus will run ruff and ruff-format prior to every Git commit. If there are fixes that are needed you will be notified in the shell output.

pre-commit Usage#

Manually running hooks

# run all hooks against currently staged files
pre-commit run
# run all the hooks against all the files. This is a useful invocation if you are using pre-commit in CI.
pre-commit run --all-files

Temporarily disable hooks


For more information on using and configuring pre-commit check out the pre-commit docs

Tool configurations#

The configuration for the tools can be found in the pyproject.toml file, using the same syntax as black.

For the most part the default black/ruff formats have been preserved, with a few updates, for example, increasing the line length to 120.

You can find more information about these values in the ruff README.


See this cookbook for guidance on how to enable code formatting on an existing Pegasus project.